Convert UTC to Solar Apparent Time

버전 (3.45 KB) 작성자: Darin Koblick
Convert a time given in UTC to Solar Apparent or Solar Mean Time
다운로드 수: 962
업데이트 날짜: 2011/9/7

라이선스 보기

Convert a time given in UTC to Solar Apparent or Solar Mean Time.

External Function Call Sequence:
>> [SAT,SMT] = UTC2SolarApparentTime('2000/03/20 15:00:00',-1.416667);
>> [SAT,SMT] = UTC2SolarApparentTime('2000/09/23 15:00:00',-1.416667);

Input Description:
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss) [N x 19] char
Lon (Site Longitude in degrees -180:180 W(-) E(+)) [N x 1]

Output Description:
SAT (Solar Apparent Time YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss) [N x 19] char
SMT (Solar Mean Time YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss) [N x 19] char

인용 양식

Darin Koblick (2024). Convert UTC to Solar Apparent Time (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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