
버전 (2.14 KB) 작성자: Pierce Brady
Finds the parity of a permutation
다운로드 수: 443
업데이트 날짜: 2010/1/28

라이선스 보기

% permutationparity
% p = permutationparity(P,Dim)
% Returns the parity of a permutation. A value of 0 indicates an even
% permutation, while a value of 1 indicates an odd permutation.
% The parity of permutations with duplicate values cannot be determined
% with this routine.
% `Dim` specifies which dimension the permutations are located on.
% If Dim == 1 each column of the matrix `P` is treated as a permutation,
% If Dim == 2 each row of the matrix `P` is treated as a permutation.
% If Dim is empty or unspecified, if defaults to treating each column as
% a different permutation.
% Example
% P = [1 2 3 5 4]; % An odd permutation
% pP = permutationparity(P) % Get parity
% pP = 1
% P = [1 2 3 5 4; 1 2 4 5 3];
% pP = permutationparity(P,2)
% pP = 1
% 0
% P = [1 2 3; 3 1 2; 2 3 1]; % Rows are odd, columns are even
% pP = permutationparity(P,1)
% pP = 0 0 0
% pP = permutationparity(P,2)
% pP = 1
% 1
% 1
% See also
% permutationparity perms randperm

인용 양식

Pierce Brady (2024). permutationparity (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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