der.m v1.0 (Nov, 2009)

Estimates first derivative of an array by using POLYFIT locally on each point ignoring NaNs!
다운로드 수: 1.3K
업데이트 날짜: 2009/11/12

라이선스 보기

DER Estimates the derivative of an array X with respect to its argument T: dX/dT by evaluating the slope of a polynomial fit of elements "close" to each point. This "closeness" is controlled by an optional input called window width, in turn this controls the smoothness.

>> dXdT = der(X,DT);
where X is a time series and DT its sampling interval.
>> dXdT = der(X,T);
if T is not uniform.

Other optional inputs are:
- the window width (W)
- the polynomial fit degree (DEG)
- the padding (PAD) % to improve derivatives at edges

Besides, the error of the dXdT estimate may be obtained.

Enjoy it!
Bugs reports and comments will be very appreciated!

인용 양식

Carlos Adrian Vargas Aguilera (2024). der.m v1.0 (Nov, 2009) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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