Fast Import of Compressed Binary .RAW Files Created with LTspice Circuit Simulator

버전 (8.24 KB) 작성자: Paul Wagner
Loads .raw simulation files created with LTspice (a free circuit simulation tool).
다운로드 수: 9.4K
업데이트 날짜: 2009/4/26

라이선스 보기

LTSPICE2MATLAB imports an LTspice IV .RAW waveform file containing data from a Transient Analysis (.tran) or AC Analysis (.ac) simulation, and converts voltages and currents vs. time (or frequency) into a Matlab data structure. This function can read compressed binary, uncompressed binary, and ASCII file formats. In the case of compressed binary, the data is automatically uncompressed using fast quadratic point insertion. This function handles very large binary simulation files efficiently, and has an option to load only a subset of a file's waveforms to reduce memory consumption. Type >> help LTspice2Matlab for details.

Use LTSPICE2MATLAB to import LTspice waveforms for additional analysis in Matlab, or for comparison with measured data. LTspice2Matlab has been tested with LTspice IV version 4.01p, and Matlab versions 6.1 and 7.5., and regression testing has been used to expose the function to a wide range of LTspice settings.

Note: LTspice IV is a Spice III simulator and schematic capture tool freely avaliable for download at It is optimized for simulation of switching regulators, but can simulate many other types of circuits as well and comes with a variety of component models.

인용 양식

Paul Wagner (2024). Fast Import of Compressed Binary .RAW Files Created with LTspice Circuit Simulator (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Updated help section at beginning of file

Added support for AC Analysis (.ac) simulations

Added support for AC Analysis (.ac) simulation files.