
버전 (279 KB) 작성자: Andrea Tagliasacchi
A kd-tree mex lib which allows for nearest neighbor, k-nearest neighbor, range and ball queries
다운로드 수: 13.8K
업데이트 날짜: 2017/7/6

kdtree provides a minimalistic implementation of kd-tree. The implementation can be used either inside MATLAB by means of MEX calls, or as a standalone tool, directly from a C/C++ program. The image on the website has been creaed with "fulltest.m"
This implementation offers the following functionalities:
- kdtree_build: k-d tree construction O( n log^2(n) )
- kdtree_delete: frees memory allocated by kdtree
- kdtree_nearest_neighbor: nearest neighbor query (for one or more points)
- kdtree_k_nearest_neighbors: kNN for a single query point
- kdtree_range_query: rectangular range query
- kdtree_ball_query: queries samples withing distance delta from a point
IMPORTANT NOTE: as Matlab offers a kdtree I have lost interest in maintaining this code.

인용 양식

Andrea Tagliasacchi (2024). ataiya/kdtree (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2008a
모든 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

linked to github repo
Redirected documentation to my personal page
updated link to git repository (google code dead)

Updates some interface bugs and the bugs on distances (second argument) returned by the query functions.

Corrected few bugs in parameter passing
Greatly enhanced the preprocessing speed (tree construction) 10x
Improved examples and makefile structure.
More info in "CHANGES"

The makefile was implying an underlying .mexmaci initialization which is valid only for mac/OSX environments. The mexext program is now used to determine the extension of the build products according to your architecture.

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