Manage and Dock Figures into Group
group = setfigdocked('PropertyName1',value1,'PropertyName2',value2,...)
- GroupName name of group need to be generated
- GridSize scalar or vector quantity, defines number of rows
and columns of cell in group
- SpanCell vector or matrix quantity, size n x 4,
[row col occupiedrows occupiedcols]
build an cell at the position (row, col) in group
cell (GridSize) which occupies "occupiedrows"
rows and "occupiedcols" columns
- Figure handle of figure
- Figindex index position of figure in group cell
- Maximize 0/1, maximize group
- GroupDocked 0/1, dock group
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','GridSize',3,'SpanCell',[1 2 2 2]);
im1 = imread('cameraman.tif');
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',2);
figure; edge(im1,'prewitt');set(gcf,'Name','Prewitt method','NumberTitle','off')
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',1);
figure; edge(im1,'roberts');set(gcf,'Name','Roberts method','NumberTitle','off')
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',3);
figure; edge(im1,'roberts');set(gcf,'Name','Roberts method','NumberTitle','off')
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',4);
figure; edge(im1,'roberts');set(gcf,'Name','Roberts method','NumberTitle','off')
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',5);
figure; edge(im1,'canny');set(gcf,'Name','Canny Method','NumberTitle','off')
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Figure',gcf,'Figindex',6);
group = setfigdocked('GroupName','Image and Edges','Maximize',1,'GroupDocked',0);
인용 양식
Anh Huy Phan (2024). Manage and Dock Figures into Group (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
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