Jump Plus AM-FM Mode Decomposition (JMD)

버전 1.0.1 (5.92 KB) 작성자: Mojtaba Nazari
A novel method for decomposing a nonstationary signal into amplitude- and frequency-modulated (AM-FM) oscillations and discontinuous (jump)
다운로드 수: 32
업데이트 날짜: 2024/7/16

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Jump Plus AM-FM Mode Decomposition (JMD) is a novel method for decomposing a nonstationary signal into amplitude- and frequency-modulated (AM-FM) oscillations and discontinuous (jump) components. Current nonstationary signal decomposition methods are designed to either obtain constituent AM-FM oscillatory modes or the discontinuous and residual components from the data, separately. Yet, many real-world signals of interest simultaneously exhibit both behaviors i.e., jumps and oscillations. In JMD method, we design and solve a variational optimization problem to accomplish this task. The optimization formulation includes a regularization term to minimize the bandwidth of all signal modes for effective oscillation modeling, and a prior for extracting the jump component. JMD addresses the limitations of conventional AM-FM signal decomposition methods in extracting jumps, as well as the limitations of existing jump extraction methods in decomposing multiscale oscillations.

인용 양식

Mojtaba Nazari (2024). Jump Plus AM-FM Mode Decomposition (JMD) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/169388-jump-plus-am-fm-mode-decomposition-jmd), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

Mojtaba Nazari, Anders Rosendal Korshøj and Naveed ur Rehman, ''Jump Plus AM-FM Mode Decomposition,'' IEEE TSP (in press), available on arXiv: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2407.07800

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