speech recognition

버전 1.0.0 (1.24 KB) 작성자: Ragul
Speech recognition: tech decoding spoken language into text.Advancing communication, accessibility, and automation. Rapid evolution underway
다운로드 수: 6
업데이트 날짜: 2024/4/29

라이선스 보기

Speech recognition, also known as automatic speech recognition (ASR) or voice recognition, is technology that interprets spoken language and converts it into text. This technology enables devices like smartphones, virtual assistants, and other applications to understand and respond to spoken commands or queries. It relies on algorithms and machine learning models to analyze audio signals, identify patterns, and transcribe speech accurately. Speech recognition has wide-ranging applications, including dictation, voice-controlled interfaces, transcription services, and accessibility features for individuals with disabilities. Its development has led to significant advancements in communication, accessibility, and automation across various industries.% Speech Recognition using MATLAB
% Record audio
recObj = audiorecorder;
disp('Start speaking.');
recordblocking(recObj, 5);
disp('End of Recording.');
% Play back the recording.
% Store data in double-precision array.
audioData = getaudiodata(recObj);
% Perform speech recognition
speech = speechToText(audioData);
% Display recognized speech
disp('Recognized speech:');

인용 양식

Ragul (2024). speech recognition (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/164781-speech-recognition), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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