IEEE 14-Bus System Voltage Sag Analysis

Initiates the voltage sag analysis in the IEEE 14-bus system. Calculation of voltage sag under various conditions.
다운로드 수: 39
업데이트 날짜: 2024/2/29

IEEE 14-Bus System Voltage Sag Analysis

This assignment involves the analysis of voltage sag in the IEEE 14-bus system. The main tasks are as follows:

  1. Voltage Sag Calculation: Calculate the voltage sag at bus 5 and bus 14 when a three-phase fault occurs at each bus in the system. The pre-fault voltage of all buses is given in per unit.

  2. Scenario Analysis: Repeat the voltage sag calculation under the following conditions:

    • Line 2 – 4 and line 6 – 13 are open-circuited.
    • Generator G3 at bus 3 and G5 at bus 8 are deactivated.
  3. Voltage Event Estimation: Using the original system conditions, estimate the voltage event under 40% of the nominal 1.0 p.u. for bus 5 and 14 using the given short circuit event per year.

  4. Data Visualization: Plot a bar chart highlighting the number of voltage sags at bus 4 and 13 according to the sag magnitude level.

  5. Location Analysis: Based on the results, discuss the suitable place (either bus 5 or 14) to place a factory manufacturing electronic components.

  6. Improvement Suggestion: Suggest how to improve the voltage at bus 5 or 14 when there is a fault at any location in the system. Justify your suggestion with analytical results.

인용 양식

Muhammad Zikril Hakim bin Zulkifly (2024). IEEE 14-Bus System Voltage Sag Analysis (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R2023b
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