
버전 1.0.0 (5.3 KB) 작성자: Pedro
Generate spike-like 3D graphs from sample points in an unstructured grid using MATLAB
다운로드 수: 6
업데이트 날짜: 2023/12/25


Generate spike-like 3D graphs in a structured grid from sample points in an unstructured grid

This function takes sample points (defined by "x" and "y" coordinates and a value "v") on an unstructured cartesian domain, distributes the value "v" of each sample point to a polar domain of radius "r0" according to a decaying exponential function, and sums the contributions of all polar domains to a structured cartesian domain.

The exponential function used in this algorithm is given by <math-renderer class="js-inline-math" style="display: inline" data-static-url="https://github.githubassets.com/static" data-run-id="c7101601b95d51c2da3694f07d95470e">$$V = v*\left(1- \frac{r}{r_0}\right)\left(\frac{\exp(r_0-r)}{\exp(r_0)}\right)$$</math-renderer> where "V" is the calculated value in the current point, "v" is the function value at the sample point, and "r" is the distance from the sample point to the current point. At the sample point the value of the function is "v", and at the radius "r0" the value of the function is zero.

Please read the license carefully and see the example file for a basic usage guide and the function file for documentation.

The code uses the function "linmap" inspired by machinelearning1's post found on https://machinelearning1.wordpress.com/2014/07/13/linear-vector-mapping-scaling-matlab/

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인용 양식

Pedro (2024). spikePlot3D (https://github.com/Pedro-Montanari/spikePlot3D), GitHub. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R2023b
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