Geertsma's Model

버전 1.0.0 (15.4 KB) 작성자: Filipe Borges
Matlab implementation of Geertsma's equation for subsidence and inflation of a reservoir in a homgeneous medium.
다운로드 수: 12
업데이트 날짜: 2023/11/12


Matlab implementation of Geertsma's equation (Geerstma, 1973) for subsidence and inflation of a reservoir in a homgeneous medium. In-line syntax is described in the comments. See the files for further documentation.

  • 'Geertsma_Checklist': runs a quick check on the functions.

  • 'Geertsma_Exact': calculates the vertical compaction on the line above and below a compacting disc

  • 'Geertsma_Example': runs a numerical example, with some plot suggestions.

  • 'Geertsma_Symbolic_ToolBox': modeling function, with detailed explanation. Use this if you have the symbolic toolbox installed

  • 'Geertsma_No_ToolBox': modeling function, with detailed explanation. Use this if you do not have the symbolic toolbox installed. Accuracy is slightly worse.

  • Other functions are numerical implementations necessary in the absence of the Symbolic Toolbox.


Filipe Borges (, 
Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Updatde History:

- 14/11/2018: Added code to calculate Heuman Lambda Function (end of main code).


Fjær, E., R. M. Holt, A. Raaen, R. Risnes, and P. Horsrud,
   2008, Petroleum related rock mechanics: Elsevier, 53.

Geertsma, J., 1973, A basic theory of subsidence due to
  reservoir compaction: the homogeneous case: Verhandelingen
  Kon. Ned. Geol. Mijnbouwk. Gen, 28, 43-62.

인용 양식

Filipe Borges (2024). Geertsma's Model (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R2021b
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