
버전 (3.72 KB) 작성자: Per-Anders Ekstrom
Pong-like arcade game, a.k.a. Arkanoid/Brickles
다운로드 수: 5.8K
업데이트 날짜: 2007/3/16

라이선스 보기

Breakout begins with five rows of bricks, each row a different color.
The color order from the bottom up is blue, cyan, green, green and red.
Using a single ball, the player must knock down as many bricks as possible by using the walls and/or the paddle below to ricochet the ball against the bricks and eliminate them. Blue bricks earn one point each, cyan bricks earn two points, green bricks earn three points, yellow bricks earn four and the top-level red bricks score five points each. To add to the challenge, the paddle shrinks to one-half its size after the ball has broken through the red row and hit the upper wall.
(adapted from Wikipedia)

Game Controls:
Paddle is controlled with mouse.
Nine speed levels, changed using num-keys: 1...9.
Sound effects are switched on/off using 'S'.
Game is paused either with mouse press or 'P'.

breakout % Start Main Breakout Interface

인용 양식

Per-Anders Ekstrom (2025). Breakout (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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개발 환경: R2006a
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New pointer control, by Joseph Kirk (