
버전 0.0.1 (11.1 KB) 작성자: Antonio Hortal
Decorator attribute for Matlab classes
다운로드 수: 7
업데이트 날짜: 2023/9/4

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Decorator attribute for Matlab classes

When a class inherits from Decoratable, it can define decorators in the "SetDecorator" and "GetDecorator" attribute for its properties; or the "Decorator" attribute for its methods. Decorators take a function (a getter, setter or method of the class) and return another function that will be executed instead of the original one. Output functions must have the same signature (nargin and nargout) as the original function.

  • Decorators must start with the function handle symbol: "@"
  • Decorators must accept at least 2 input arguments: the function they wrap (setter, getter or method) and the context struct
  • Additional input arguments are passed in the attribute between brackets
  • Many decorators can be used by using a cell array {}. In that case, decorators are called from left to right: {@decorator1, @decorator2} == @decorator1(@decorator2(...))


classdef DecoratableSubclass < Decoratable
    properties (Description = "SetDecorator = @decorator.count")
    properties (Description = "GetDecorator = @decorator.trace")
    methods (Description = "Decorator = {@decorator.nshot, @decorator.delay(3)}")
        function threeSecondDelayMethod(~)

This class defines a set decorator for Property1 and Property2, a get decorator for Property3, and two method decorators for its method. To understand the behaviour of the decorated class properties and methods, see the decorators defined in the "/+decorator" package




Don't use it for production :) This is something I did for fun and to see what can be achieved through Matlabs OOP metaprogramming features

인용 양식

Antonio Hortal (2024). matlab-decorators (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R2022b
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