Offshore wind Turbulence Characteristics at FINO1

버전 1.4 (294 KB) 작성자: E. Cheynet
MATLAB functions and a live script to visualize wind turbulence characteristics on FINO1. The data set is available on Zenodo.
다운로드 수: 36
업데이트 날짜: 2023/8/29

FINO1 Wind Turbulence Characteristics

View FINO1 Wind Turbulence Characteristics on File Exchange

This repository offers MATLAB functions and a live script to visualize wind turbulence characteristics on FINO1. The data set is used in previous works, like [1,2,3].


Access the data for this repository at the Zenodo repository:


The repository includes:

  • dataAnalysed: Folder with the data
  • Documentation.mlx: LiveScript showcasing dataset usage
  • label.m: Function for labeling figures
  • mergeStructs.m: Function to concatenate data
  • binAveraging.m: Data binning function


First, ensure the data is in the dataAnalysed folder. If missing or misplaced, download from the linked Zenodo repository.

Execute the LiveScript to visualize the turbulence characteristics. Ensure MATLAB's directory is set to include the script and dataAnalysed folder.

Note: This is the initial submission and may contain bugs.

Relevance and Applications

  • Validation of turbulence models like Kaimal or Mann for wind load calculations
  • Analysis of single-point auto-spectral and cross-spectral densities of wind turbulence.
  • Evaluation of standards, e.g., IEC 61400-1 and IEC 61400-3, for wind turbine design.


  1. Cheynet, E., Jakobsen, J. B., & Obhrai, C. (2017). Spectral characteristics of surface-layer turbulence in the North Sea. Energy Procedia, 137, 414-427. Elsevier.
  2. Cheynet, E., Jakobsen, J. B., & Reuder, J. (2018). Velocity spectra and coherence estimates in the marine atmospheric boundary layer. Boundary-layer meteorology, 169(3), 429-460. Springer Netherlands.
  3. Cheynet, E. (2019). Influence of the Measurement Height on the Vertical Coherence of Natural Wind. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 27, 207-221. Springer.

인용 양식

Cheynet, Etienne, et al. “Velocity Spectra and Coherence Estimates in the Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer.” Boundary-Layer Meteorology, vol. 169, no. 3, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, Aug. 2018, pp. 429–60, doi:10.1007/s10546-018-0382-2.

양식 더 보기

Cheynet, Etienne, et al. “Spectral Characteristics of Surface-Layer Turbulence in the North Sea.” Energy Procedia, vol. 137, Elsevier BV, Oct. 2017, pp. 414–27, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2017.10.366.

양식 더 보기
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