CI with MATLAB and GitHub Actions Workshop

버전 1.0.0 (16.7 MB) 작성자: Adam Sifounakis
A step-by-step workshop on getting up and running with CI using MATLAB and GitHub Actions.
다운로드 수: 31
업데이트 날짜: 2022/11/8

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Continuous Integration with MATLAB® and GitHub® Actions Workshop

This workshop provides hands-on experience using continuous integration (CI) with MATLAB and GitHub Actions.

The workshop leverages the MathWorks CI configuration examples repository, which makes it really easy to get started with a variety of CI platforms.

Getting started

To get started with the workshop, open up the workshop guide (WorkshopGuide.pdf) and follow the step-by-step instructions.

The workshop will guide you through everything you need:

  • Pre-requisites for the workshop
  • Step-by-step workshop instructions
  • Workshop homework to take your skills even further

About the workshop

A brief introduction to CI and the workshop is included in the Continuous Integration with MATLAB and GitHub Actions Workshop Slides.pdf file.

The hands-on portion of the workshop is broken up into two parts:

  1. The workshop: WorkshopGuide.pdf (or WorkshopGuide.mlx)
  2. The workshop homework: WorkshopHomework.pdf (or WorkshopHomework.mlx)

After completing the workshop, you should feel confident using CI with MATLAB and GitHub Actions.

The workshop:

The workshop will focus on the following major tasks:

  • Forking the MathWorks CI configuration examples repository to your GitHub account
  • Enabling and running GitHub Actions in your repository
  • Cloning your repository to MATLAB Online (or desktop MATLAB)
  • Updating your repository badge code
  • Introducing a bug to your code
  • Pushing your changes to GitHub (which will automatically run all your tests via GitHub Actions)
  • Using GitHub Actions to identify the bug you introduced to your code

The workshop homework:

The workshop homework will take things a step further, and focus on the following major tasks:

  • Adding two pre-made files to your repository
  • Pushing your changes to GitHub
  • Using GitHub Actions to identify a bug in the pre-made files
  • Fixing the bug in MATLAB
  • Runing tests in MATLB to verify your bug fix
  • Pushing your changes to GitHub
  • Verifying your bug fix in GitHub Actions, and seeing a passing build badge

Performing the workshop using other CI platforms

While the workshop focuses primarily on GitHub Actions, you should be able to easily replicate the workshop using other CI platforms (such as Azure® DevOps, CircleCI®, and Travis CI™).

To use the workshop with other CI platforms, you will need to perform the following steps

  • Create an account at the relevant CI platform
  • Create a new CI project on the platform
  • Point the project at your GitHub repository

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions related to continuous integration with MATLAB, please contact MathWorks at

Copyright 2022 The MathWorks, Inc.

인용 양식

Adam Sifounakis (2024). CI with MATLAB and GitHub Actions Workshop (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

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개발 환경: R2022a
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