Signal RMS

버전 (1.56 KB) 작성자: Bolu Ajiboye
Calculates windowed RMS of signals
다운로드 수: 14K
업데이트 날짜: 2009/8/14

라이선스 보기

% Calculates windowed (over- and non-overlapping) RMS of a signal using the specified windowlength
% y = rms(signal, windowlength, overlap, zeropad)
% signal is a 1-D vector
% windowlength is an integer length of the RMS window in samples
% overlap is the number of samples to overlap adjacent windows (enter 0 to use non-overlapping windows)
% zeropad is a flag for zero padding the end of your data...(0 for NO, 1 for YES)
% ex. y=rms(mysignal, 30, 10, 1). Calculate RMS with window of length 30 samples, overlapped by 10 samples each, and zeropad the last window if necessary
% ex. y=rms(mysignal, 30, 0, 0). Calculate RMS with window of length 30 samples, no overlapping samples, and do not zeropad the last window

인용 양식

Bolu Ajiboye (2024). Signal RMS (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Allowed for overlapping and non-overlapping windows as an input