Parametric Rectangular Kirchoff Plate (Hermitain Family) FEMs

버전 (252 KB) 작성자: Ali OZGUL
rectangular kirchoff (hermitain) plates
다운로드 수: 2.4K
업데이트 날짜: 2006/6/30

라이선스 없음

This model is description smilarly differend order degree Kirchoff rectangular plate f.e models. This elements are main shape function Hermitain shape function family. Hermitain shape function family has very simple other parametric (example Pascal triangle) methods.

Nevertless, it`s obtain 9Node-27Dof Parametric Kirchoff plate element has shape function very complex as Pascal triangle. Generally application has not invers system boundary conditions matrix for this solving systems.

This areas models:
4Node-12Dof Parametric Rec. Kirchoff Bending Plate.
4Node-16Dof Parametric Rec. Kirchoff
Bending+Twisting Plate
9Node-27Dof Parametric Rec. Kirchoff Bending Plate
9Node-36Dof Parametric Rec. Kirchoff
Bending+Twisting Plate.

인용 양식

Ali OZGUL (2024). Parametric Rectangular Kirchoff Plate (Hermitain Family) FEMs (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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