SAR Signal Processing with MatLab Algorithms - Reloaded

버전 2.2.2 (139 MB) 작성자: Ilias Konsoulas
Overhaul of matlab scripts accompanying M. Soumekh's book "Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing with MatLab Algorithms" (1999).
다운로드 수: 730
업데이트 날짜: 2024/7/17

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This contribution aims to make more straightforward and intelligible the scripts provided with professor M. Soumekh book from late 90's. The following improvements were incorporated:
  1. Separation and modularization of the 4 target aerea reconstruction algorithms provided in the book: 2D Matched Filtering (Wavefront Reconstruction), Time Domain Correlation (TDC), Back-Projection (BP) and Range Stacking (RS).
  2. Replacement of obsolete graphics commands with modern rendering commands, clearly showing the effect of DSP operations on SAR signals.
  3. Removal of clumsy code for 2D-interpolation of unevenly spaced data in (kx,ky)-domain and replacement with modern MatLab commands that are less cumbersome and more elegant.
  4. Assigned proper names to important SAR signals following the book notation and nomenclature as much as possible. Also, I provide a detailed table of all these SAR signals together with their domains.
  5. Added several pictures from Chapter 2.
  6. Added a couple of scripts computing the CTFT of AM-PM and PM Spherical SAR Signal, both numerically and by use of the Stationary Phase Approximation (SPA) method.
  7. Several minor code improvements.
  8. For the first time since 1999, complete implementation of CSAR reconstruction algorithms (full/partial scan, curved/planar antenna, 2D/3D version):
  • 2D Matched Filtering (Wavefront Reconstruction)
  • Time Domain Correlation (TDC) Algorithm
  • Back-Projection (BP) Algorithm.
9. Green Function Study for CSAR signal processing.
10. Reproduction of Radar Radiation Pattern figures of Chapter 3 (planar, circular, parabolic).
11. Accurate expression for the approximated analytical slow-time Fourier Transform via the Stationary Phase Approximation (SPA)
12. Accurate numerical computation of the slow-time Fourier Transforms of the PM and AM-PM spherical signals.
13. Addition of several scripts demonstrating the theory of Chapter 8 dedicated to block-based subspace processing for detecting change or target registration.
Here I provide scripts for the theory covered in Ch. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

인용 양식

Ilias Konsoulas (2024). SAR Signal Processing with MatLab Algorithms - Reloaded (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2018a
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Ch.01 Range Imaging

Ch.03 SAR Radiation Pattern

Ch.07 Circular SAR/Curved Antenna - Full Scan/3D

Ch.07 Circular SAR/Planar Antenna

Ch.08 Monopulse SAR


Ch.01 Range Imaging

Ch.02 Cross-Range Imaging

Ch.03 SAR Radiation Pattern

Ch.05 Spotlight SAR

Ch.06 Stripmap SAR

Ch.07 Circular SAR/Curved Antenna - Full Scan/2D

Ch.07 Circular SAR/Curved Antenna - Full Scan/3D

Ch.07 Circular SAR/Green Function

Ch.07 Circular SAR/Partial Scan

Ch.07 Circular SAR/Planar Antenna

Ch.08 Monopulse SAR

버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

In this 12th upload, I have added an improved figure version for target scene representations in the CSAR 3D cases.


As in 11th Upload.


1. Target Scene Pictorial Description at the beginning of all spotlight and circular SAR scripts.
2. I have added some scripts related to Chapter 8 - Molopulse SAR.
3. I have introduced some cosmetic changes to the code to make it a bit more readable


I have updated Ch.03 routines about radar radiation patterns for planar, parabolic and circular antennas.


I have added scripts for Chapter 1, Range Imaging. Also a fancier version of CTFT for AM-PM and PM Spherical SAR signals in Ch.2. Plus other minor improvements to improve the presentation of the operations in some scripts.


Corrected some typos in the description text.


Updated the scripts for PM and AM-PM Spherical signal slow-time Fourier Transform (in Chapter 02).


I have added several scripts for Chapter 3 figure reproduction. I have also added several versions for circular SAR reconstruction algorithms (planar/curved antenna, 2D/3D, full/partial scan).


Added CSAR Reconstruction Algorithms (2D-MF, TDC, BP) and Green Function Study scripts.


I deleted some redundant files.


Added a missing CTFT function.


Added several pictures from chapter 2 and CTFT of PM & AM-PM Spherical SAR Signals.

Some minor signal naming and image corrections.

Updated the title.

Added an image and applied some description text corrections.

Included some utility files.
