
버전 2.0.0 (3.19 KB) 작성자: Mahmoud Ashraf
linear regression script which can deals with one variable or multivariate linear regression
다운로드 수: 45
업데이트 날짜: 2022/3/28


This is linear regression script which can deals with one variable or mutlivariables linear regression. This script tested by using data set (data.txt) from coursera platform Ml Stanford University courses.

Instructions: 1.first you get load your dataset in line 6 (there are two datasets attached with the file) 2.set the learning rate and number of iterations in lines 7 and 8 3.the results will appear in A) graphs between each feature and reults with its best fit line B) graph represent the relation between the number of itrations and cost C) 3D graph represent the relation between the last two features in x and y with the result in z

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