
버전 1.0.1 (2.67 KB) 작성자: thosman
Matlab function to rank each element of data.
다운로드 수: 39
업데이트 날짜: 2022/3/13


rank = RankData(data, alongDim, invalidRank)

Matlab function to rank each element of data.

Handles all data types accepted by matlab function unique.


Inspired by procrastination and this pick-of-the-week blog post to create a simple function that ranks data but simpler, much faster, and without the limitations from the previous submission.


  • alongDim [default []] - If empty, rank across all entries. If not empty, rank along entries for the specified dim
  • invalidRank [default NaN] - Value invalid entries are set to.


Example 1

data = randn(2,3,4);
rank = RankData( data )

Example 2

Shows how repeated and invalid entries are handled.

data = [10 nan 11 nan nan 1 2 5 1 7];
rank = RankData(data)

Example 3

Shows how data types like categorical and its invalid data can be naturally handled.

data = randn(5);
data = discretize(data,linspace(0,1,10),'categorical');
rank = RankData(data)

Example 4

Output similar to tiedrank. While we demonstrate matched results, RankData can handle non numeric entries.

data = rand(3,4,2);
data(3,:,:) = data(2,:,:); % Match entries to force ties
alongDim = 1;
rank = tiedrank(RankData(data,alongDim));

인용 양식

thosman (2024). RankData (https://github.com/tommyhosman/RankData), GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2019b
모든 릴리스와 호환
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Added alongDim


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