Quasi Skewed Truncated Normal Generator

버전 1.0.2 (42.3 KB) 작성자: andrepiz
qstrandn - Quasi Skewed Truncated Normal Generator
다운로드 수: 20
업데이트 날짜: 2022/2/21

라이선스 보기

qstrandn samples n data points following three types of normal distributions and their combinations:
  • QUASI NORMAL: normal distribution elevated to the power of c
  • SKEWED NORMAL: normal distribution with skewness alpha
  • TRUNCATED NORMAL: normal distribution truncated at lower limit l and upper limit u
% x=qstrandn(n,mu,sigma,c,alpha,l,u)
% x=sampled data
% n=number of samples
% mu=mean (default: 0 --> standard Gaussian distribution)
% sigma=standard deviation (default: 1 --> standard Gaussian distribution)
% c=coefficient of quasi-normality (default: 1 --> Gaussian distribution)
% alpha=skewness (default: 0 --> not-skewed distribution)
% l=lower limit of truncation (default: -inf --> no lower truncation)
% u=upper limit of truncation (default: inf --> no upper truncation)

인용 양식

andrepiz (2024). Quasi Skewed Truncated Normal Generator (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/105105-quasi-skewed-truncated-normal-generator), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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