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Want to do region merging for quadtree decomposed image

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
aarti sawant
aarti sawant 2013년 10월 7일
댓글: Image Analyst 2013년 10월 7일
I have done quadtree decomposition of the image but now want to merge the blocks by using thresholding to reduce no. of blocks without using splitmerge function...Can anyone help me plzz.....

답변 (1개)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013년 10월 7일
You won't have rectangular blocks then. Why not just change the parameters to get fewer blocks in the first place?
  댓글 수: 2
aarti sawant
aarti sawant 2013년 10월 7일
Windowed aggregation is an inverse process of quadtree segmentation. In the process of quadtree segmentation, partition is implemented when pixels in the region show different property. The scales of regions decrease with the process going on. Windowed aggregation starts with the minimum scale required in quadtree segmentation. The separated regions are merged if the maximum difference within study area is less than the set threshold. The procedure is described as follows. (i) Label all the regions with a continuous number. Set the window scale (W x W, W initialized by 2). (ii) Scan the whole image by the window from the upper left comer. The maximum difference in W x W window covered area is calculated. Five ways to compute covered area are illustrated in figure 1. The shadow area in figure 1 shows the possible homogenous regions. If the difference in the observed regions is less than the threshold value, combine the observed regions. Label the combined the region with minimum number of the pre-merger regions. (iii) Set W as the length of step, scan the whole image and merge similar regions. (iv) Modify the scale of window, W = W x 2, after scanning the whole image. (v) Repeat steps (ii) to (iv), until the size of window is equal to the original image size.Plz help to do this.......

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