problem with polyval plotting

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Teshan Rezel
Teshan Rezel 2021년 7월 13일
답변: dpb 2021년 7월 14일
Hi folks,
I am trying to plot a trendline on a scattergraph but I'm not sure why the following is happening! Any help will be appreciated!
My initial code and result:
sumStart = 72;
exclude1 = cri > 30;
for i = 1 : numSamples
allCokePercentSum(i) = sum(allCokePercent(sumStart:end, i));
anisotropicPercentSum(i) = sum(anisotropicPercent(sumStart:end, i));
isotropicPercentSum(i) = sum(isotropicPercent(sumStart:end, i));
fillerPercentSum(i) = sum(fillerPercent(sumStart:end, i));
x_labelString = ['Histogram Percentage Sum (Lower Threshold = ' num2str(sumStart) ')'];
[allCokeFit, GOF1] = polyfit(cri, allCokePercentSum', 3);
[anisotropicFit, GOF2] = polyfit(cri, anisotropicPercentSum', 3);
[isotropicFit, GOF3] = polyfit(cri, isotropicPercentSum', 3);
[fillerFit, GOF4] = polyfit(cri, fillerPercentSum', 3);
allCokeLine = polyval(allCokeFit, cri);
anisotropicLine = polyval(allCokeFit, cri);
isotropicLine = polyval(allCokeFit, cri);
fillerLine = polyval(allCokeFit, cri);
hold on
subplot(2, 2, 1);
plot(allCokeLine, allCokePercentSum, cri, exclude1);
xlabel(x_labelString, 'FontWeight',"bold");
ylabel('CRI', 'FontWeight',"bold");
title('Greyscale Histogram Percentage Counts for "All-Coke" Threshold')
subplot(2, 2, 2);
plot(anisotropicLine, anisotropicPercentSum, cri, exclude1);
xlabel(x_labelString, 'FontWeight',"bold");
ylabel('CRI', 'FontWeight',"bold");
title('Greyscale Histogram Percentage Counts for "Anisotropic" Threshold')
subplot(2, 2, 3);
plot(isotropicLine, isotropicPercentSum, cri, exclude1);
xlabel(x_labelString, 'FontWeight',"bold");
ylabel('CRI', 'FontWeight',"bold");
title('Greyscale Histogram Percentage Counts for "Isotropic Threshold')
subplot(2, 2, 4);
plot(fillerLine, fillerPercentSum, cri, exclude1);
xlabel(x_labelString, 'FontWeight',"bold");
ylabel('CRI', 'FontWeight',"bold");
title('Greyscale Histogram Percentage Counts for "Filler" Threshold')
hold off
  댓글 수: 4
dpb 2021년 7월 13일
편집: dpb 2021년 7월 13일
The coefficient array from polyfit for polyval for each plot/variable...
You might find it more visually appealing to not use the line marker for the data on the plots, though...just plot the markers for data and add the regression line. plot() draws straight lines between all points in succession; that may be too "busy" or distracting...
Teshan Rezel
Teshan Rezel 2021년 7월 13일
편집: Teshan Rezel 2021년 7월 13일
@dpb thank you! can you please post this as an answer so I can accept?

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채택된 답변

dpb 2021년 7월 14일
Your x values aren't sorted so they're being plotted with connecting lines in the order they are in the input arrays ...
The code is pretty convoluted and uses a lot of variables, but the idea is
[x,ix]=sort(x); % sort the independent variable, save the sort index
y=y(ix); % sort y same order to match
yHat=polyval(b,x); % use coefficients, b, from polyfit to evaluate the fit in sorted order, too...
plot(x,y,x,yHat) % and plot
If don't want to overwrite the original variables, can make a temporary, of course..
You might find it more visually appealing to not use the line marker for the data on the plots, though...just plot the markers for data and add the regression line. plot() draws straight lines between all points in succession; that may be too "busy" or distracting...
BTW, it only takes two points to draw the regression line since it is linear...
xHat=[min(x) max(x)];

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