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Unrecognized message type in ros simulink

조회 수: 20 (최근 30일)
Nathaniel Goldfarb
Nathaniel Goldfarb 2021년 6월 11일
답변: Abhijeet Gadkari 2021년 6월 11일
I am having problems building and running my simulink model. I am try using a custom message in a service but when I try to buid my node it give the following error:
Top model targets built:
Model Action Rebuild Reason
test_service Failed Code generation information file does not exist.
0 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date)
Build duration: 0h 0m 15.279s
Unrecognized message type simple_test/MyTest. Use rosmsg list to see available types.
Right now I am just trying to get a toy model working so I can get my real controller working that is much more complex.
My custom message is the following called simple_test/MyTest.srv:
int64 a
int64 b
int64 sum
I used this to message to replace the model in ros_twoint_service_simulink_example.slx
when i run rosmsg list I get the following:
other message
here is a screen shot of my current workspace:

채택된 답변

Abhijeet Gadkari
Abhijeet Gadkari 2021년 6월 11일
Hello Nathaniel,
This looks like a bug in ROS Toolbox "Localhost" deployment workflow.
Thanks for notifying us. As a workaround, can you please deploy the code using "Remote Device" on a VM or your robot.
To deploy the code on a remote device, in Simulink toolstrip, ROS tab, select "Remote Device" option from the "Deploy to" drop-down section in CONNECT tab.
Select "Remote Device"
You can use "Manage Remote Device" button to set the IP Address, user, password of your VM or remote device.

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