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How do I make this a function?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
hbcukid 2021년 6월 6일
편집: per isakson 2021년 6월 7일
I am fairly new to Matlab and am new to making functions, I have code for a noncircular shift and am trying to make it a generalized function.
A = rand(100,100);
Fill_Value = 0;
for Target_Group = 1: +5: length(A)
for Relative_Row = 0: 4
Row = Target_Group+Relative_Row;
Shift_Value = Relative_Row* 10 ;
A(Row,:) = [Fill_Value*ones(1,Shift_Value) A(Row,1:end-Shift_Value)];
I am trying to make this a function where A(a multidimensional array), fill_value(int), shift_value(int), and 10(int) can be represented as parameters. How do I do it?
inputs - A:a multidimensional array, fill_value: an int, shift_value: an int, and 10: an int; output would be A with the aforementioned code performing a non circular shift

채택된 답변

per isakson
per isakson 2021년 6월 6일
편집: per isakson 2021년 6월 7일
Something like this. With Matlab it's common practise to use double for all numerical variables. (Matlab has "integer in floating-point format" called flint, which isn't affected by round-off errors. See Floating Points in Matlab.)
A = rand(100,100);
Fill_Value = int16( 0 );
ten = int16( 10 );
Shift_value = int16( ?? );
A = noncircular_shift( A, Fill_value, Shift_value, ten )
function A = noncircular_shift( A, Fill_value, Shift_value, ten )
for Target_Group = 1: +5: length(A)
for Relative_Row = 0: 4
Row = Target_Group+Relative_Row;
Shift_Value = Relative_Row* ten ; % notice ten
A(Row,:) = [Fill_Value*ones(1,Shift_Value), A(Row,1:end-Shift_Value)];
Notice that the loop-counters will be doubles (i.e flints).

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