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Is there a tool to generate a bus object from an IDL file?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Nikita Visnevski
Nikita Visnevski 2013년 8월 14일
I have to create an S-fcn which takes a lot of buses as inputs and wraps some legacy code which uses IDL data bindings to C++. As these data structures defined in IDL are very large, I do not want to retype them all as Simulink bus object definitions. I was wondering if there is a way in Simulink to load an IDL file, and to generate bus definitions for the structures in this IDL file?
Thanks a bunch.

답변 (2개)

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2013년 8월 14일
If you can produce MATLAB structures from the IDL file, you can use Simulink.Bus.createObject to create the corresponding bus objects.

Nikita Visnevski
Nikita Visnevski 2013년 8월 14일
Well, I guess my question then really was if there was a way to do IDL to Matlab data structure translation? I have several hundreds of data structures defined in thousands of lines of IDL. It is any form of retyping that I am trying to avoid.


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