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Print an array of coordinates with 2 Arrays of Varriables.

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
I have two Arrays of multiple numbers lets call it X and Y. I Need to make another array of numbers displayed as cordinates. So let's say that X[150 200 300 500] and Y[300 500 800 300] I need an array like [150,300 200,500 300,800 500,300]. the purpose is then to copy the data and paste to Autacad to make a polyline. Is there a simple way to do this ? I appriciate any kind of help.

채택된 답변

Michael 2021년 6월 2일
Simple in Matlab
X = [150 200 300 500]';
Y = [300 500 800 300]';
coords = [X,Y]
coords =
150 300
200 500
300 800
500 300
  댓글 수: 6
Michael 2021년 6월 2일
Add a new line character and use the fprintf command:
X = [150 200 300 500]';
Y = [300 500 800 300]';
thematrix = [X,Y]';
asvector = thematrix(:);
stringvector = num2str(asvector);
comma_vector = repmat(',\',1,numel(X))';
return_vector = repmat(' n',1,numel(X))';
blah = [stringvector,comma_vector,return_vector]';
%XY = ['[',blah(1:end-1),']']
Produces this in the command window:
150, 300
200, 500
300, 800
500, 300
Please remember to accept this answer.
Þorfinnur Karl Magnússon
Þorfinnur Karl Magnússon 2021년 6월 2일
Thank you for the help sir I greatly appriciate it :D

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