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Unable to publish matlab .m file in cell mode, to Micosoft Word 2010

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
When I try to publish a .m file in cell mode, using the publish button at the top of the editor, I get the following error message in the command window:
??? Error using ==> saveas at 72 Invalid Simulink object specifier
Error in ==> mxdom2word at 149 doc.SaveAs(outputPath,wdFormatDocument);
Error in ==> publish at 183 mxdom2word(dom,outputAbsoluteFilename);
Error in ==> mdbpublish at 55 outputPath = publish(file, options);
??? Error using ==> open at 69 NAME must contain a single string.
I don't really understand the error message. Please note that I changed the default publish output option from "html" to "doc" (Also: The below cell mode code publishes just fine to html).
I would very much appreciate any assistance. My goal is to publish the below file in Microsoft Word 2010. Note: I CAN publish to a .ppt file format using Microsoft Powerpoint 2010. Finally, I discovered that I cannot publish to .pdf file format. I am using Matlab 2011a.
Please advise!
Thank you in advance.
Complete code follows:
%%PROGRAM Integrate_and_Fire_Neuron.m
% This program demonstrates the basic Integrate-and-Fire
% model of neuronal activity.
% (Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biological_neuron_model)
% In this model, current is applied continuously to a neuron.
% The neuron "adds up" (integrates) the applied current over
% time, which produces an ever-rising internal voltage.
% When the neuron's internal voltage exceeds a particular
% threshhold, the neuron "fires" by discharging its
% internal voltage down the axon. The neuron's internal
% voltage then drops back to the "rest voltage"
% level, and current integration begins again.
% The simulation demonstrates a well-defined
% cyclic pattern called "spiking". Several choices
% are available to model the effect of different
% applied currents on a neuron's firing behavior.
% This simulation uses abstract parameters
% (that is, no units are attached to the global
% model input parameters, or to the timesteps),
% but can certainly accommodate actual experimental
% or literature values as required.
%%User-Defined Inputs (Global Model Parameters)
total_time_units = 50; %simulation length
resting_voltage = 0.5; %neuron's rest voltage
threshhold_voltage = 3.0; %neuron's threshhold voltage
capacitance = 3.0; %neuron's capacitance
%%User-Defined Input (Neuron Current Model)
current_model_choice = 1; %select model to use
%%Calculating the Neuron Model Parameters
if current_model_choice == 1
current_flow_in = @(t)( 0.5 );
modelstr = 'Constant Current';
elseif current_model_choice == 2
current_flow_in = @(t)( abs(1.0*sin(t/pi)) );
modelstr = 'Sinusoidal Current';
current_flow_in = @(t)( 0.5 );
modelstr = 'Constant Current';
%%Initializing the Input Parameters
time(total_time_units) = 0.0; %pre-allocate time array
time(1) = 0; %set initial time
voltage(total_time_units) = 0.0; %pre-allocate voltage array
voltage(1)= resting_voltage; %set initial voltage
deltat = 1.0; %deltat = 1.0 time unit
%%Computing Neuron Voltage vs Time
for clock_tick = 2:total_time_units
time(clock_tick) = time(clock_tick-1) + deltat;
voltage(clock_tick) = voltage(clock_tick-1) + ...
if voltage(clock_tick) > threshhold_voltage
voltage(clock_tick) = resting_voltage;
%%Formatting and Plotting the Output
titlestr = horzcat('Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Model: ',modelstr);
xlabel('Time (in t units)','fontsize', 10, 'fontweight', 'bold')
ylabel('Neuron Voltage (in V units)','fontsize', 10, 'fontweight', 'bold')
axis([0 total_time_units 0 1.20*max(voltage)])

채택된 답변

Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege 2011년 5월 31일
Have a look at this bug report and see if the suggested workaround fixes your problem.
  댓글 수: 4
Arnaud Miege
Arnaud Miege 2011년 5월 31일
AS it turns out, there is:
Joe M
Joe M 2011년 5월 31일
Outstanding! I followed the instructions found at the link that you provided, and it worked like a charm. Thanks again for your expert, forward-leaning assistance.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

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