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Why do I receive local exitflag -10 when I am using multistart?

조회 수: 12 (최근 30일)
Kun Yang
Kun Yang 2021년 5월 23일
답변: Alan Weiss 2021년 5월 24일
When I try the multistart function, it returned -10 as the local exitflag, however, I cannot find any information about this exitflag. Can anyone specify it for me? Many thanks!
Here are some informations about my case:
  1. I used my own objective function as well as a nonlinear constraint function. Also, lb and ub are equipped.
  2. When I use fmincon to evaluate the initial points, everything is alright. The algorithm terminated with FunctionTolerance criterion and provide an optimal solution of 0.98 (seems a local minimum).
  3. It returns -10 as exitflage, no matter using multistart :(1) with or without parrallel; (2) with SQP or active-set
Thanks for any help!
information from the command window:
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ...
Connected to the parallel pool (number of workers: 12).
Running the local solvers in parallel.
Run Local Local Local Local First-order
Index exitflag f(x) # iter F-count optimality
1 -10 0
16 -10 0
15 -10 0
14 -10 0
13 -10 0
62 -10 0
61 -10 0
87 -10 0
88 -10 0
93 -10 0
99 -10 0
2 -10 0
20 -10 0
19 -10 0
18 -10 0
17 -10 0
64 -10 0
63 -10 0
80 -10 0
79 -10 0
90 -10 0
91 -10 0
3 -10 0
24 -10 0
23 -10 0
22 -10 0
21 -10 0
66 -10 0
65 -10 0
84 -10 0
83 -10 0
95 -10 0
98 -10 0
4 -10 0
28 -10 0
27 -10 0
26 -10 0
25 -10 0
74 -10 0
73 -10 0
5 -10 0
32 -10 0
31 -10 0
30 -10 0
29 -10 0
6 -10 0
36 -10 0
35 -10 0
34 -10 0
33 -10 0
72 -10 0
71 -10 0
7 -10 0
40 -10 0
39 -10 0
38 -10 0
37 -10 0
8 -10 0
9 -10 0
48 -10 0
47 -10 0
46 -10 0
45 -10 0
76 -10 0
75 -10 0
10 -10 0
52 -10 0
51 -10 0
50 -10 0
49 -10 0
82 -10 0
81 -10 0
11 -10 0
56 -10 0
55 -10 0
54 -10 0
53 -10 0
70 -10 0
69 -10 0
86 -10 0
12 -10 0
60 -10 0
59 -10 0
58 -10 0
57 -10 0
68 -10 0
67 -10 0
85 -10 0
96 -10 0
97 -10 0
94 -10 0
89 -10 0
78 -10 0
77 -10 0
44 -10 0
43 -10 0
42 -10 0
41 -10 0
92 -10 0
100 -10 0
MultiStart encountered failures in the user provided functions.
All 100 local solver runs failed in a user supplied function.
How does it failed? This makes me very confused.

답변 (1개)

Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2021년 5월 24일
The MultiStart run exit flags are described here. You see that –10 means the initial points that MultiStart tried all led to Inf, NaN, or complex values, either in the objective function or nonlinear constraint functions. I suggest that you use the debugger to find out why.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation


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