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For example, I want to get a result like this. b=[1 diff(3)]=[1 0]. Not b=[1] .

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
differentiation of constant value is zero. But in matlab, diff(3)=[]; I want to get a vector which components are constant and zero. For example, I want to get a result like this. b=[1 diff(3)]=[1 0]. Not b=[1] How can I solve it?

채택된 답변

David Sanchez
David Sanchez 2013년 7월 30일
Do something like the following function:
function out=my_diff(in)
out = diff(in);
if isempty(out)
out = 0;

추가 답변 (1개)

Jan 2013년 7월 30일
편집: Jan 2013년 7월 30일
diff() is not the "differentiation", but the "difference" of neighboring elements. As long as [3] does not have neighboring elements the result is empty, of course.
The "differentiation" is performed by the command gradient. But even with this [3] is not a well defined input: There is no slope between one point. Replying 0 is mathematically incorrect then.


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