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how do I integrate a pre-recorded function?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Pavel Kuzmitsky
Pavel Kuzmitsky 2021년 4월 24일
답변: Star Strider 2021년 4월 24일
I tried to write it as follows, but it gives an error
syms r theta
p1 = r.* cos(theta);
polarfun = @(r,theta) p1;
q = integral2(polarfun,0,1,0,2*pi)
please tell me how to do this correctly?

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Star Strider
Star Strider 2021년 4월 24일
Try this —
syms r theta
p1 = r.* cos(theta);
polarfun(r,theta) = p1
polarfun(r, theta) = 
polarfcn = matlabFunction(polarfun) % Slightly Renamed To Avoid Over-Writing Original
polarfcn = function_handle with value:
q = integral2(polarfcn,0,1,0,2*pi)
q = 1.5446e-14

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