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How do I delete empty cells in rows of a cell array?

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Tom 2013년 6월 11일
I have a cell array of strings and empty cells. I would like to rearrange this so the empty cells are on the end of each row. For example:
[a] [b] [ ] [ ] [c]
[d] [ ] [e] [ ] [ ]
should become:
[a] [b] [c] [ ] [ ]
[d] [e] [ ] [ ] [ ]
The reason I want to do this is to ultimately end up with a cell matrix of strings in the following form:
How would I accomplish these things, or is there a more efficient way to end up with the matrix of strings?

채택된 답변

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013년 6월 11일
편집: Azzi Abdelmalek 2013년 6월 11일
A={['a'] ['b'] [ ] [ ] ['c']
['d'] [ ] ['e'] [ ] [ ]}
out=arrayfun(@(x) cell2mat(A(x,idx(x,:))),[1:size(A,1)]','un',0)

추가 답변 (1개)

Matt J
Matt J 2013년 6월 11일
편집: Matt J 2013년 6월 11일
You don't need to reorder the empty cells if all you intend to do is concatenate across rows:
>> C={'a',[],'b';[], 'e','d'}
C =
'a' [] 'b'
[] 'e' 'd'
>> Ccat=cell(size(C,1),1); for ii=1:size(C,1); Ccat{ii}=[C{ii,:}] ;end,
>> Ccat
Ccat =


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