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why do I receive the error "The system cannot find the file specified" while uninstalling matlab

조회 수: 9 (최근 30일)
  댓글 수: 1
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021년 3월 27일
I have not seen an explanation of why it happens but I suspect that Updates might not modify the list of expected files.
The easiest thing is to create the named file with any content and try again

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Aakash Garg
Aakash Garg 2021년 3월 30일
To resolve the problem, you should disable any antivirus or security software on the system, and then run the uninstaller again. If the unnstaller asks you whether or not you would like to overwrite/delete any existing files, answer 'Yes' to overwrite/delete these files, as some of the existing files may be corrupted or damaged from the previously failed installation. If you are unable to disable your security software, please contact your IT department for assistance.
If this is a Windows system, you may also try rebooting the system into Windows Safe Mode with Networking. This will prevent any other applications that may have interfered with the uninstallation from loading when Windows starts up. If you have already tried disabling your antivirus or security software but still experienced the same problem, please try rebooting into Windows Safe Mode with Networking and then try the uninstallation again.
If you continue to experience the same problem after disabling your security software and trying the uninstallation in Safe Mode, please contact MathWorks support for further assistance.


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