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fft matlab, scaling amplitude problem

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Bob GH
Bob GH 2013년 5월 30일
Hi I've faced a problem in my homework coding. please help me to solve it.
I wrote a code for a problem, which i have its results. but after taking fft function from input, the amplitude of output is twice more than expected result.
what are the reasons that might be caused this?
I really appreciate it.
  댓글 수: 1
Bob GH
Bob GH 2013년 5월 30일
I wrote a part of my code related to fft :
clc; clear all;
fm=40; T=10; a=0; N=32768; %2^15 Cm=1.5; h=(T-a)/N; omega=2*pi*fm/T; hh=1/h; Iamp=2.25e3; V(1)=-65;
for j=1:N-1
%%%%%%%%% 4 step method of Runge-Kutta
K1=h*fftNapH(t(j),[V(j); mhf(j); mhs(j); mNap(j)],EL,Iinp(j+1)); deffv1=K1(1,1);mhf1=K1(2,1);mhs1=K1(3,1);mNap1=K1(4,1);
K2=h*fftNapH(t(j)+(h/2),[V(j)+(deffv1/2);mhf(j)+(mhf1/2);mhs(j)+(mhs1/2);mNap(j)+(mNap1/2)],EL,Iinp(j+1)); deffv2=K2(1,1);mhf2=K2(2,1);mhs2=K2(3,1);mNap2=K2(4,1);
K3=h*fftNapH(t(j)+(h/2),[V(j)+(deffv2/2);mhf(j)+(mhf2/2);mhs(j)+(mhs2/2);mNap(j)+(mNap2/2)],EL,Iinp(j+1)); deffv3=K3(1,1);mhf3=K3(2,1);mhs3=K3(3,1);mNap3=K3(4,1);
K4=h*fftNapH(t(j)+h,[V(j)+deffv3;mhf(j)+mhf3;mhs(j)+mhs3;mNap(j)+mNap3],EL,Iinp(j+1)); deffv4=K4(1,1);mhf4=K4(2,1);mhs4=K4(3,1);mNap4=K4(4,1);
V(j+1)=V(j)+1/6*(deffv1+(2*deffv2)+(2*deffv3)+deffv4); mhf(j+1)=mhf(j)+1/6*(mhf1+2*mhf2+2*mhf3+mhf4); mhs(j+1)=mhs(j)+1/6*(mhs1+2*mhs2+2*mhs3+mhs4); mNap(j+1)=mNap(j)+1/6*(mNap1+2*mNap2+2*mNap3+mNap4);
V2=fft(V1,N); V3=V2(1:N/2); amp=abs(V3); ampb=amp(2:length(amp)); % remove DC part f= (0:N/2-1)*hh/N;
figure(2),plot(f,ampb) xlabel('Freq') ylabel('Amplitude') axis([0 50 0 2000])

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답변 (2개)

Wayne King
Wayne King 2013년 5월 30일
You should always show your code:
fs = 1000;
t = 0:1/fs:1-1/fs;
L = length(x);
xdft = fft(x)/L;
Exactly as I expect two peaks with amplitude 0.5
xdft = 2*fft(x)/L;
xdft = xdft(1:length(x)/2+1);
  댓글 수: 4
Bob GH
Bob GH 2013년 5월 30일
thanks for your reply Wayne King. i wrote a relevant part of my code
Bob GH
Bob GH 2013년 5월 30일
I wrote a part of my code related to fft :
clc; clear all;
fm=40; T=10; a=0; N=32768; %2^15 Tfft=10; Cm=1.5; h=(T-a)/N; omega=2*pi*fm/T; hh=1/h; Iamp=2.25e3; V(1)=-65;
for j=1:N-1
%%%%%%%%% 4 step method of Runge-Kutta
K1=h*fftNapH(t(j),[V(j); mhf(j); mhs(j); mNap(j)],EL,Iinp(j+1)); deffv1=K1(1,1);mhf1=K1(2,1);mhs1=K1(3,1);mNap1=K1(4,1);
K2=h*fftNapH(t(j)+(h/2),[V(j)+(deffv1/2);mhf(j)+(mhf1/2);mhs(j)+(mhs1/2);mNap(j)+(mNap1/2)],EL,Iinp(j+1)); deffv2=K2(1,1);mhf2=K2(2,1);mhs2=K2(3,1);mNap2=K2(4,1);
K3=h*fftNapH(t(j)+(h/2),[V(j)+(deffv2/2);mhf(j)+(mhf2/2);mhs(j)+(mhs2/2);mNap(j)+(mNap2/2)],EL,Iinp(j+1)); deffv3=K3(1,1);mhf3=K3(2,1);mhs3=K3(3,1);mNap3=K3(4,1);
K4=h*fftNapH(t(j)+h,[V(j)+deffv3;mhf(j)+mhf3;mhs(j)+mhs3;mNap(j)+mNap3],EL,Iinp(j+1)); deffv4=K4(1,1);mhf4=K4(2,1);mhs4=K4(3,1);mNap4=K4(4,1);
V(j+1)=V(j)+1/6*(deffv1+(2*deffv2)+(2*deffv3)+deffv4); mhf(j+1)=mhf(j)+1/6*(mhf1+2*mhf2+2*mhf3+mhf4); mhs(j+1)=mhs(j)+1/6*(mhs1+2*mhs2+2*mhs3+mhs4); mNap(j+1)=mNap(j)+1/6*(mNap1+2*mNap2+2*mNap3+mNap4);
V2=fft(V1,N); V3=V2(1:N/2); amp=abs(V3); ampb=amp(2:length(amp)); % remove DC part f= (0:N/2-1)*hh/N;
figure(2),plot(f,ampb) xlabel('Freq') ylabel('Amplitude') axis([0 50 0 2000])

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Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2013년 5월 30일
That means that, before calculating the fft, you've made some errors, which we can't find, because you have not posted the code.
  댓글 수: 2
Bob GH
Bob GH 2013년 5월 30일
thanks for your reply. actually, It has 10++ line of code and i do not know which part do you need? is there any distinguished reason for my problem? because, my result is exactly twice of expected result.
Wayne King
Wayne King 2013년 5월 30일
편집: Wayne King 2013년 5월 30일
Does 10++ mean 12 lines? If it is a reasonable number, please post it all. Did you look at the code I posted below?

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