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For loop gives error: Unable to perform assignment because the indices on the left side are not compatible with the size of the right side.

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Having problems with making a For loop for example below. Desired outcome: skylineMat = 2x1 cell.
Example (without for loop: works):
skylineMat = true(90,360);
Q1 = inpolygon( repmat(azimV,length(altV),1) , repmat(altV',1,length(azimV)) , skyline_raw{1}(:,1) , skyline_raw{1}(:,2) );
skylineMat1 = skylineMat & ~ Q1;
Q2 = inpolygon( repmat(azimV,length(altV),1) , repmat(altV',1,length(azimV)) , skyline_raw{2}(:,1) , skyline_raw{2}(:,2) );
skylineMat2 = skylineMat & ~ Q2;
skylineMat = { {skylineMat1(:,:) } ; { skylineMat2(:,:) } }
Example (with for loop: gives me the error in the title):
skylineMat = true(90,360);
shapes_num = 2;
for s=1:shapes_num
Q(s) = inpolygon( repmat(azimV,length(altV),1) , repmat(altV',1,length(azimV)) , skyline_raw{s}(:,1) , skyline_raw{s}(:,2) );
skylineMat(s) = skylineMat & ~ Q(s);

답변 (1개)

KSSV 2021년 3월 1일
This error occurs, when you try to save more number of elements than you initialized.
A = rand(10,5) ; % initialize array
A(1,:) = rand(1,5) ; % no error
A(2,:) = rand(1,7) ; % error, you have to save 1x5 but you tried to save 1x7, so error.
Use debug options and try to check the dimensions of RHS and then initialize LHS and then save.
If the dimensions are not known, try to save them into a cell.
A = cell(1,5) ;
A{1} = rand(1,5) ;
A{2} = rand(1,10) ;


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