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Using DrawformattedText to display text

조회 수: 22 (최근 30일)
Katherine Regalado Rosales
Katherine Regalado Rosales 2021년 1월 18일
편집: Pratheek Punchathody 2021년 1월 22일
The question asks for the following:
  1. The DISPLAY TEXT section should display text in Courier font, with a text-size approximately 1/20th the height of the screen. Don’t just hard-code a number for the text-size; have Matlab compute it (IMPORTANT: The text-size must be a whole-number). The displayed text should include the following, all put on the screen at once:
  • The words “RED TOP-LEFT” (with the word “RED” positioned directly above the word “TOP- LEFT”) in red text, centered in the top-left quadrant of the screen.
  • The words “GREEN TOP-RIGHT” (with the word “GREEN” positioned directly above the word “TOP-RIGHT”) in green text, centered in the top-right quadrant of the screen.
  • The words “BLUE BOTTOM-LEFT” (with the word “BLUE” positioned directly above the word “BOTTOM-LEFT”) in blue text, centered in the bottom-left quadrant of the screen.
  • The words “YELLOW BOTTOM-RIGHT” (with the word “YELLOW” positioned directly above the word “BOTTOM-RIGHT”) in yellow text, centered in the bottom-right quadrant of the screen.
  • The words “RANDOM GRAY CENTER” (with the words “RANDOM GRAY” positioned directly above the word “CENTER”) in a randomly generated grayscale tone, centered on the screen. This text—and only this text—should be bold.
I have the following code but the red and the green overlay and the blue does not appear on the screen. Im not sure how to fix it.
clear all
close all
rng shuffle
Screen ('Preference','VisualDebugLevel',1);
mainScreenNum = max(Screen('Screens'));
w = PsychImaging('OpenWindow',mainScreenNum,[100 149 237]);
Screen ('TextSize',w,wHeight/20);
topLeftQuadRect = [0 0 xmid ymid];
topRightQuadRect = [xmid 0 0 ymid];
bottomLeftQuadRect = [0 ymid xmid 0];
bottomRightQuadRect = [xmid ymid 0 0];
DrawFormattedText(w,'RED\nTOP-LEFT','center','center',[255 0 0],[],[],[],[],[],topLeftQuadRect);
DrawFormattedText(w,'GREEN\nTOP-RIGHT','center','center',[0 255 0],[],[],[],[],[],topRightQuadRect);
DrawFormattedText(w,'BLUE\nBOTTOM-LEFT','center','center',[0 0 255],[],[],[],[],[],bottomLeftQuadRect);

답변 (1개)

Pratheek Punchathody
Pratheek Punchathody 2021년 1월 22일
편집: Pratheek Punchathody 2021년 1월 22일
As per my understanding PsychToolbox is a third party toolbox. Feel free to contact the owner and the community of the toolbox for further information regarding implementation.


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