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How do I get MATLAB to output a digital marker via the parallel port to Biopac's Acqknowledge software?

조회 수: 18 (최근 30일)
I'm basically using MATLAB in place of E-Prime/Superlab/DirectRT etc. In order to mark Acqknowledge (Biopac) with a digital marker (and trigger acquisition), I require the STP100C - This module would accept a digital marker via the parallel port. Therefore, I need to program MATLAB to output a digital marker via the parallel port of the computer, I'm sure there must be some command for that.
I am trying to collect Event Related Potentials and I have 2 targets/stimuli (T1 & T2). These are letters that are part of a rapid serial visual presentation. After each string is presented, the participant has to reply yes/ no to whether T1 or T2 was presented. As far as physiology is concerned I am measuring the onset of the P300.

채택된 답변

PT 2013년 3월 26일
편집: PT 2013년 3월 26일
Take a look at "digitalio" in the Data Acquisition Toolbox. Here's a short example code:
% Initialize 2 lines (2nd line reserved for future use)
ppobjects.dio = digitalio('parallel', 'LPT1');
ppobjects.lines = addline(ppobjects.dio,1:2,'out');
% Set line 1 to high
linenum = 1;
value = 1;
% Set line 1 to low
linenum = 1;
value = 0;
  댓글 수: 4
sonia 2013년 3월 29일
Just to clarify I am using a 25-pin parallel port cable, from the stimulus (MATLAB) computer to the physiological recording (Biopac) computer.
I have the data acq. toolbox. What I need is a digital pulse to be sent to the recording computer every time the number 4/7 or the letter X is shown. Also it should be on a separate chennel and not directly on top of the EEG wave form.
PT 2013년 4월 1일
In that case, wire line 1 and gnd of parallel port to the signal and return on your device's digital input. From Wikipedia, it should be pin 2 or 3 for + and any of the gnd pins for -.

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추가 답변 (1개)

steamrice 2020년 1월 28일
I am haveing a similar software and hardware design problem using biopac and stp100C. Could someone help?


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