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Create Access file

조회 수: 6 (최근 30일)
Guillermo Rodriguez
Guillermo Rodriguez 2011년 5월 4일
I know how to connect with an Access database and perform all actions with it from matlab, but is there any way of creating the .mdb file from matlab without having to make manually?
I tried creating an activeX server but when using the DBEngine.CreateDatabase it says "Couldn´t find the ISAM installable file" (or something like that, due to I get that sentence in Spanish and don´t know how it is in English exactly)
Thanks in advance
  댓글 수: 3
Guillermo Rodriguez
Guillermo Rodriguez 2011년 5월 4일
I already tried that befores posting here, and once i did everything its written there Access stopped working... i could not even open a file!
vinh 2011년 5월 24일
Your problem is the same as mine, and I want to set up the password of the access file through the .m file.
Hope someone will give some help :-)

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답변 (2개)

vinh 2011년 5월 24일
I have an idea to have new access file: create an access file manually, then use "copyfile" function to create many another access files.
:-) such a stupid idea
  댓글 수: 1
Guillermo Rodriguez
Guillermo Rodriguez 2011년 5월 24일
lol! I just need one file, and the idea is to be able to take the program I´m developing in Matlab to many different computers just taking the Matlab code :P

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vinh 2011년 5월 26일
May be you should create .mdb file by visual basic, then use Matlab to associate with it later.
I'm trying to solve this problem these days for my project.


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