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FFT and convert the vector to a power of two

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Javier 2013년 3월 11일
Hi. I am testing an algorithm for automatic identification in case of cerebral paralysis. I wish I apply the algorithm for birds identifications.
the algorithm uses Fast Fourier Transform, but first it converts the vector to a power of 2.
The error is "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals."
The code is
[x, Fs]=wavread('C:\Users\Javier\Desktop\BioAcustica\rail3.wav'); pow=nextpow2(x); tam=2.^pow; if length(x) ~=tam x(tam)=0; %xxx end size=length(x);

답변 (1개)

John Petersen
John Petersen 2013년 3월 11일
편집: John Petersen 2013년 3월 11일
n = length(x);
pow = nextpow2( n )
tam = 2.^pow;
x(n:tam) = 0;


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