How to display an image from output value?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
maha lakshmi
maha lakshmi 2013년 3월 4일
Hi, I have A=37 after some process and I need to display '37.jpg' which is present in my database.I gave imshow('A.jpg').But it says A.jpg does not exist.I can't give imshow(37.jpg)Because I need to do the same process for 1000 times so 'A' value gets changed every time. How do I display the image

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Friedrich 2013년 3월 4일
try num2str:
A = 37
  댓글 수: 2
maha lakshmi
maha lakshmi 2013년 3월 4일
Thank you sir,it works.If 'A' has some 4 values like 25,3,65,47.How do i display more than one image at a time.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013년 3월 4일
That situation is well, covered with several code examples, by the FAQ:

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