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Error using diff Difference order N must be a positive integer scalar.

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
I got this error from trying to use the Newton-Raphson method to extract pv parameters. I was trying to follow the flowchart atttached below
% %
Error using diff
Difference order N must be a positive integer scalar.
Error in Esram (line 56)
g(a+1) = g(a) - (Isc-I0*(exp(1)*(q*((Vmp+(Imp*Rs))/n))-1) - ((Vmp+(Imp*Rs))/(n*k*T))) / (-I0*((q/(n*k*T))*(1 + diff(I, V)*Rs)*exp(1)*(q*(V+(I*Rs)/(n*k*T)))))-(1/Rsh)*(1 + diff(I, V)*Rs);
here is the updated program
close all
% Data provided
load('SD_Test_Data_01.mat', 'voltage')
load('SD_Test_Data_01.mat', 'current')
I = current;
V = voltage;
P = I.*V; % To find the P-V curve
Pmaxcurve = max(P);
% Graphs
plot (V, I,'b:')
xlabel('Voltage (V)'), ylabel('Current (A)')
title('I-V Curve')
plot(V, P,'r--');
xlabel('Voltage(V)'), ylabel('Power (W)')
title('P-V Curve')
plot (V, I,'--')
title('Combine Plots')
hold on
plot(V, P, 'r:');
hold off
%At the standard test conditions (STC)
[Pmax, index_of_Pmax] = max(P);
Imp = I(index_of_Pmax); %(A)
Vmp = V(index_of_Pmax); %(v)
%We know that
Isc = max(I); %(A)
Voc = max(V); %(V)
q = 1.6022e-19; %q is the electron charge
k = 1.3806e-23; % k is the Boltzmann constant in (J/k)
% if the solar cells inside a solar module reach 65?C
T = 25; % T the module temperature in celcius
% Initializing Rs the series resistance and the shunt resistance Rsh and n
Rsh = (Vmp/(Isc- Imp))- ((Voc-Vmp)/Imp);
Rs = 0;
n= 1.2;
% Taking an assumption that Rsh>>Vo
I0 = Isc/(exp(1)*(q*(Voc/(n*k*T)))-1);
Nmax = 1000; %maximum number of interations
g(1) = 0.5; %first approximation
g = zeros(1, Nmax);
for a = 1:Nmax-1
g(a+1) = g(a) - (Isc-I0*(exp(1)*(q*((Vmp+(Imp*Rs))/n))-1) - ((Vmp+(Imp*Rs))/(n*k*T))) / (-I0*((q/(n*k*T))*(1 + diff(I, V)*Rs)*exp(1)*(q*(V+(I*Rs)/(n*k*T)))))-(1/Rsh)*(1 + diff(I, V)*Rs);
plot(g, 'r.')

채택된 답변

VBBV 2020년 11월 6일
Replace the term
%if true
% code
%if true
% code
% end
In all the occurances. Since diff calculates derivative. You have specified the second argument as vector instead of differentiating variable.

추가 답변 (1개)

Joanan Destin
Joanan Destin 2020년 11월 6일
I get this error now.
Error using *
Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix. To perform elementwise multiplication, use '.*'.
Error in Esram (line 56)
g(a+1) = g(a) - (Isc-I0*(exp(1)*(q*((Vmp+(Imp*Rs))/n))-1) - ((Vmp+(Imp*Rs))/(n*k*T))) / (-I0*((q/(n*k*T))*(1 + diff(I, V)*Rs)*exp(1)*(q*(V+(I*Rs)/(n*k*T)))))-(1/Rsh)*(1 + diff(I, V)*Rs);


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