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조회 수: 7 (최근 30일)
Doug Hates Squirrels
Doug Hates Squirrels 2011년 4월 26일
답변: Lidianne Mapa 2018년 1월 14일
I'm working on solving for the values of a series of parameters that are from a set of equations. While I have tried following every example I can find for fsolve, none have been particularly helpful. I've past the code from my m file below. Any help is appreciated. THANKS!
function F=calibrate(X)
%known variables;
nm = 0.031;
se = 0.108;
ne = 0.862;
c = 0.091;
ke = 0.545;
km = 0.040;
m = 0.097;
l = 0.333;
phi = 0.045;
A = 0.017;
B = 0.048;
%unknown parameters;
omegae = X(10);
omegam = X(11);
beta = X(12);
F(1) = A*((ke^alpha)*(ne^(1-alpha)))^(1-gamma) * m^gamma - c - ke*phi - km*phi +(ke+km)*(1 - delta);
F(2) = B*(theta * (km^tau) + (1-theta)*(nm^tau))^(1/tau) -m;
F(3) = omegae*se + omegam*nm - phi;
F(4) = 1 - ne - nm - se -l;
F(5) = zeta1 * ke^(alpha*(1-gamma))* ne^(-alpha - gamma*(1- alpha))*m^gamma - c;
F(6) = (gamma/eta)*A*B*(ke^(alpha*(1-gamma)))*(ne^((1-alpha)*(1-gamma)))*(nm^(tau-1))*(m^(gamma - tau)) + c*(omegae /omegam) - c;
F(7) = zeta2 * (ke^((alpha -1)-(gamma*alpha)))*(ne^((1-alpha)*(1-gamma)))*(m^gamma)+ zeta3 - phi;
F(8) = zeta3 - beta * gamma * theta * A* B*(ke^(alpha*(1-gamma)))*(ne^((1-alpha)+(1-gamma)))*(km^(tau-1))*(m^(gamma-tau)) - phi;
F(9) = beta*omegae*(1-l) - phi;
F(10) = (A*(1-gamma)*(1 - alpha))/eta - zeta1;
F(11) = beta*A*(1-gamma)*alpha - zeta2;
F(12) = beta*(1-delta)- zeta3;
  댓글 수: 1
Doug Hates Squirrels
Doug Hates Squirrels 2011년 4월 26일
Here's my solution when I try to run it, but I know it's not correct because when I plug the answers into the my system of equations they don't add up
EDU>> fsolve('calibrate',[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1])
Solver stopped prematurely.
fsolve stopped because it exceeded the function evaluation limit,
options.MaxFunEvals = 1200 (the default value).
ans =
0.7982 1.0012 1.1022 0.9963 1.0038 0.0085 0.0001 0.0397 0.9970 0.4465 0.7347 0.1712

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

채택된 답변

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011년 4월 26일
fsolve(@calibrate, ones(1,12), optimset('MaxFunEvals', 3000, 'FunValCheck', 'on', 'PlotFcns', @optimplotfval))
After your first run, when you have verified that it isn't trying to work with invalid values and have verified that the minimization is going well, you would likely want to remove the last two pairs of options.
  댓글 수: 4
bym 2011년 4월 26일
good thing the question didn't come from "Doug Hates Raccoons"
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011년 4월 26일
proecsm that was a nice joke, thanks :D

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

추가 답변 (1개)

Lidianne Mapa
Lidianne Mapa 2018년 1월 14일
Hello dear, I'm with similar problem. This is my function:
if y==1
N1{y}=[(diff(Beta{y}(:,1),qsol(1))) diff(Beta{y}(:,1),qsol(2)) diff(Beta{y}(:,1),qsol(3));
(diff(Beta{y}(:,2),qsol(1))) diff(Beta{y}(:,2),qsol(2)) diff(Beta{y}(:,2),qsol(3));
(diff(Beta{y}(:,3),qsol(1))) diff(Beta{y}(:,3),qsol(2)) diff(Beta{y}(:,3),qsol(3))]
N2{y}=[(diff(Alfa{y}(:,1),qsol(1))) diff(Alfa{y}(:,1),qsol(2)) diff(Alfa{y}(:,1),qsol(3));
(diff(Alfa{y}(:,2),qsol(1))) diff(Alfa{y}(:,2),qsol(2)) diff(Alfa{y}(:,2),qsol(3));
(diff(Alfa{y}(:,3),qsol(1))) diff(Alfa{y}(:,3),qsol(2)) diff(Alfa{y}(:,3),qsol(3))]
N1{y}=[(diff(Beta{y}(:,1),qsol(4))) diff(Beta{y}(:,1),qsol(5)) diff(Beta{y}(:,1),qsol(6));
(diff(Beta{y}(:,2),qsol(4))) diff(Beta{y}(:,2),qsol(5)) diff(Beta{y}(:,2),qsol(6));
(diff(Beta{y}(:,3),qsol(4))) diff(Beta{y}(:,3),qsol(5)) diff(Beta{y}(:,3),qsol(6))]
N2{y}=[(diff(Alfa{y}(:,1),qsol(4))) diff(Alfa{y}(:,1),qsol(5)) diff(Alfa{y}(:,1),qsol(6));
(diff(Alfa{y}(:,2),qsol(4))) diff(Alfa{y}(:,2),qsol(5)) diff(Alfa{y}(:,2),qsol(6));
(diff(Alfa{y}(:,3),qsol(4))) diff(Alfa{y}(:,3),qsol(5)) diff(Alfa{y}(:,3),qsol(6))]
KNL1=[N1{1},zeros(size(TMgmod{1},1),size(TMgmod{1},2)); zeros(size(TMgmod{1},1),size(TMgmod{1},2)) N1{2}];
KNL2=[[N2{1},zeros(size(TMgmod{1},1),size(TMgmod{1},2)); zeros(size(TMgmod{1},1),size(TMgmod{1},2)) N2{2}]] KTOTAL=1/2*KNL1+1/3*KNL2+Ktotal Forca=[10;10;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0] TFORCA=Tcbacop'*Forca; x0=inv(Ktotal)*TFORCA fun_sym =rootedo(qsol,KTOTAL,TFORCA); fun = matlabFunction(fun_sym, 'vars', {qsol.'}); fsolve(fun,x0, optimset('MaxFunEvals', 3000,'MaxIter', 800, 'FunValCheck', 'on', 'PlotFcns', @optimplotfval))
function [F]=rootedo(qsol,KTOTAL,TFORCA) F=KTOTAL*qsol'-TFORCA
This error:
fsolve stopped because the relative size of the current step is less than the default value of the step size tolerance squared, but the vector of function values is not near zero as measured by the default value of the function tolerance.
ans = 1.0e-08 * 0.5447 0.1506 0.0561 0.5447 0.1506 0.0561
Can you help me please?


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