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How to sketch the region enclosed by the given curves and compute it's area

조회 수: 4 (최근 30일)
Kiley Foulke
Kiley Foulke 2020년 10월 6일
답변: Shubham Khatri 2020년 10월 9일
I'm given
and need to find the area of the region enclosed by the curves
  댓글 수: 2
Kiley Foulke
Kiley Foulke 2020년 10월 6일
It's for a virtual study hall, I've tried google, I've been through a bunch of MATLAB answers and can't seem to find what I'm looking for. I've tried area, plotting, trapz, cumtrapz

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

답변 (1개)

Shubham Khatri
Shubham Khatri 2020년 10월 9일
The fplot function can be used to solve it. By solving equations, we can see that the intersection point is at (1,0). To compute the area, we can calculate the area under the curve for fun2 till x=1 and add it to area under the curve from x=1 to x=2 for fun 1. Please have a look at the following code.
fplot(@(x) x.^0.25); %ploting x.^0.25
hold on
fplot(@(x) sqrt(2-x)); %ploting sqrt(2-x)
fun1 = @(x) sqrt(2-x); %defining function sqrt(2-x) for integration
fun2 = @(x) x.^0.25; %defining function X.^0.25 for integration
r = integral(fun2,0,1) %integration from 0 to 1
q = integral(fun1,1,2) % integration from 1,2
Area=r+q %computing the area
For more information, please click fplot integral


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