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How to resolve this error "illegal rate transition found" of ANN block in Simulink Real-Time workshop

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
I used nftool to create ANN simulink block to be used in Real-Time workshop. A problem appeared in the ANN block after running the building Real-Time target. the error message is "illegal rate transition found" - sample time [1 0] of nn is different from sample time [0.001 0] of its source.
Knowing that the sampling rate of the training data is 0.001, and the Real-Time system sampling rate is 0.001 as well..

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Nitin Kapgate
Nitin Kapgate 2020년 9월 18일
It appears that the sample time for “nn” is set to [1 0] while that for its source is set to [0.001 0]. In your case, changing the “sample time” for “nn” to [0.001 0] should resolve your issue. Here is a guide that will help you to resolve the Rate Transition issues in Simulink.
  댓글 수: 1
Zakarya Omar
Zakarya Omar 2020년 9월 19일
thanks for your response
I 've solved the issue by setting the sampling time of the internal blocks of ANN simulink block to either 0.001 or (-1) inherent , and it worked..

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