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debugging cuda files inside visual studio

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Kaushik 2013년 1월 17일
i have a cpp function (function.cpp") which i "mex"-ed. then i open the function.cpp file in visual studio and attach visual studio to a running matlab process.
when i call the function in matlab i am able to set breakpoints in the function.cpp file and step through it observing the variables.
The debugging process breaks down when i change the function to a cuda file (function.cu). Following the process described above i am still able to stop within function.cu but i cannot see any variables. when i try to "watch" a variable it says "Error symbol .. not found"
i have nsight installed in visual studio. question: how can i observe my variables in the file function.cu in the debug mode as i do for the function.cpp file. Is this possible ?
Note that the function.cu is not in a project. it is just a standalone file with cpp code of a function (say somefunction(){}). for debugging purpose i am opening it up in visual studio. i am compiling the function.cu file in matlab using "nvmex -g wrapper.cu" the wrapper.cu is a matlab mexfunction wrapper which makes calls to somefunction() written inside function.cu

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