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The function value and the fval don't match after fminsearch

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
Andrew 2013년 1월 10일
Hi everyone,
I seem to be having an issue with fminsearch. I'm minimizing over a function and it seems to be working, but the value of the function (with the optimal values plugged in) and the number it gives me for the fval don't match. I can't seem to find a problem, but maybe someone out here can take a look. I really appreciate it. I've pasted the two sets of code below. Also notice that the value of the minimized function is one of the variables I solve for in the second file.
This first one sets up the function
%% Solving for the Steady State Values for WP3 % We solve a system of 12 equations using 2 additional to % to test the residituals. % We choose two parameters to start and use this function to % solve for the resulting residuals.
function[resid] = Base_Steady(choice, phi_b, alpha, phi_k, tau,...
pi_ss, z_ss, x_a, theta_m,...
delta, eta, beta, psi,...
theta_y, phi_m1, phi_m2, g_ss)
%%Solving 7 variables by hand
r = pi_ss*z_ss/beta;
w = (theta_y-1)/theta_y*z_ss;
lam3 = eta/w;
lam1 = r*lam3;
r_k = phi_k+1;
r_u = phi_m1*r^phi_m2;
r_l = (1-psi)*r_k+psi*r_u;
%%Bounding the Choice Variables
a_s = 1/(1+exp(choice(1))); % a_s in (0,1)
l = 2/(1+exp(choice(2))); % l in (0,2)
%%Base Steady State Equations
l_s = l/a_s; %((A.2.2 ))
s_b = phi_b*a_s^alpha; %((A.2.1 ))
r_d = a_s*(1-tau)*r_l+(1-a_s*(1-tau))*r_u-(r_u-1)*s_b*(1-tau);%(A.2.5))
d = l_s/(1-tau); %((A.2.3 ))
l_d = -l_s*log(1-(l/l_s)); %((A.2.23))
a_h = l/l_d; %((A.2.7 ))
k = (1-a_h)*l_d; %((A.2.8 ))
lam2 = (lam3*(a_h*r_l+(1-a_h)*r_k)-lam1*a_h)/(1-a_h); %((A.2.17))
c = 1/lam2; %((A.2.19))
n = c-k; %((A.2.10))
m_a = (x_a^(1/theta_m)*n^((theta_m-1)/theta_m)...
^(theta_m/(theta_m-1)); %((A.2.12))
lam4 = delta/m_a; %((A.2.16))
resid = abs(d-(1-x_a)*m_a*(lam4/(lam1-r_d*lam3))^theta_m)...%((A.2.14))
+abs(n-x_a*m_a*(lam4/(lam1-lam2))^theta_m); %((A.2.15))
The second set here runs the fminsearch and solves the system at the optimal values.
%% Solving for the Steady State Values of WP3 % Here, we call on Base_Steady.m in order to minimize the residual. % Then we relist all the steady state equations to solve for the % steady state values of the model.
%% Setting the Parameter Values % Only those needed to solve the steady state equations are listed.
phi_b = 0.01; alpha = 1.00; tau = 0.002; phi_k = 0.0333; pi_ss = 1.005; z_ss = 1.005; x_a = 0.70; theta_m = 0.50; delta = 2.00; eta = 2.50; beta = 0.995; psi = 0.75; theta_y = 6.00; phi_m1 = 0.999375; phi_m2 = 1.0; g_ss = 1.005;
%% Using fminsearch to solve Base_Steady.m
options = optimset('Display','iter','TolX',1e-12,'TolFun',1e-12,'MaxFunEvals',1e10,'MaxIter',1e10); [choice_star, fval, exitflag] = fminsearch(@(choice)Base_Steady(choice,... phi_b, alpha, tau, phi_k, pi_ss,... z_ss, x_a, theta_m, delta, eta, beta,... psi, theta_y, phi_m1, phi_m2, g_ss),... [0,0], options);
%% Retransformation of the SOlution Variables
a_s = 1/(1+exp(choice_star(1))) l = 2/(1+exp(choice_star(2)))
%% Solving the Rest of the Model
r = pi_ss*z_ss/beta
w = (theta_y-1)/theta_y*z_ss
lam3 = eta/w
lam1 = r*lam3
r_k = phi_k+1
r_u = phi_m1*r^phi_m2
r_l = (1-psi)*r_k+psi*r_u
l_s = l/a_s
s_b = phi_b*a_s^alpha
r_d = a_s*(1-tau)*r_l+(1-a_s*(1-tau))*r_u-(r_u-1)*s_b*(1-tau)%(A.2.5))
d = l_s/(1-tau) %((A.2.3 ))
l_d = -l_s*log(1-(l/l_s)) %((A.2.23))
a_h = l/l_d %((A.2.7 ))
k = (1-a_h)*l_d %((A.2.8 ))
lam2 = (lam3*(a_h*r_l+(1-a_h)*r_k)-lam1*a_h)/(1-a_h) %((A.2.17))
c = 1/lam2 %((A.2.19))
n = c-k %((A.2.10))
m_a = (x_a^(1/theta_m)*n^((theta_m-1)/theta_m)...
^(theta_m/(theta_m-1)) %((A.2.12))
lam4 = delta/m_a %((A.2.16))
resid = abs(d-(1-x_a)*m_a*(lam4/(lam1-r_d*lam3))^theta_m)...%((A.2.14))
+abs(n-x_a*m_a*(lam4/(lam1-lam2))^theta_m) %((A.2.15))
n_u = (1-a_s)*l_s+tau*d
m = pi_ss*z_ss*(d+n-l)
h = (m-r_d*d+r_l*l+r_k*k)/z_ss
y = z_ss*h
f = (1-w/z_ss)*y
q = f/(r-1)
  댓글 수: 1
Matt J
Matt J 2013년 1월 10일
I can't reproduce the problem. On my machine, I get the same values precisely:
K>> func=@(choice)Base_Steady(choice,...
phi_b, alpha, tau, phi_k, pi_ss,...
z_ss, x_a, theta_m, delta, eta, beta,...
psi, theta_y, phi_m1, phi_m2, g_ss);
K>> isequal(func(choice_star),fval)
ans =

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