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concatenate and replace comma by dot

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
Momo 2012년 12월 17일
Hello, I have a series of 300 files with names respectively from data-1.dat to data300.dat. Each file consist of 6 columns and 25 rows (files contain scalars with comma instead of dot, ex: 3,21223232 and a header line) I want to concatenate all files into one matrix and I'm using the code below:
% code
numfiles = 300;
concat= cell(1, numfiles);
for i=1:300;
filename = sprintf(data-%d.dat, i);
concat{i} = importdata(filename, '\t');
the_struct = [concat{:}];
M = [the_struct.data];
For data that doesn't have a comma the code work very well, otherwise it doesn't. Anyhelpful answer is very welcome. Thank you in advance.

채택된 답변

Jan 2012년 12월 17일
편집: Jan 2012년 12월 18일
numfiles = 300;
concat = cell(1, numfiles);
for ii = 1:numfiles
filename = sprintf('data-%d.dat', ii);
concat{ii} = strrep(fileread(filename), ',', '.');
newFile = fullfile(tempdir, 'JoinedFile.dat');
FID = fopen(newFile, 'w');
if FID == -1, error('Cannot open file for writing'); end
fprintf(FID, '%s', concat{:});
Now the new file contains all data with dots instead of commas and can be imported at once.
[EDITED] Remove headerlines, which start with 'F':
concatC = cell(1, numfiles);
for ii = 1:numfiles
filename = sprintf('data-%d.dat', ii);
Str = strrep(fileread(filename), ',', '.');
CStr = regexp(Str, '\n', 'split');
CStr(strncmp(CStr, 'F', 1)) = [];
% Perhaps:
if isempty(CStr{end})
CStr(end) = [];
concatC{ii} = CStr(:);
concat = cat(1, concatC{:});
  댓글 수: 8
Jan 2012년 12월 20일
@Momo: Have you seen the [EDITED] section in my answer? If not, do you have any reason to be inpatient?
Momo 2012년 12월 20일
@Jan: No I just have seen it. Sorry for been inpatient (It's because I had a deadline). Thank you very much for your precious help.

댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오.

추가 답변 (1개)

Momo 2012년 12월 18일
When I try to import data
all_data= importdata('JoinedFile.dat');
It import data as a text, colheader and data with only the first set of 25 rows and 6 columns(i.e only first file), and leave 299.
Best regards,


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