Can anyone help me understand this code?

조회 수: 1 (최근 30일)
anand rathod
anand rathod 2020년 7월 5일
댓글: anand rathod 2020년 7월 5일
clear ;
close all;
cl = {'open','close'};
DBL = cell(1,1);
DBR = cell(1,1);
DBM = cell(1,1);
dim = [30 60;
30 60
40 65];
disp('Training left eye');
for ii = 1:2
fpath = ['C:\Users\DELL\Database\LE\' cl{ii} '/*.bmp'];
D = dir(fpath);
for kk = 1:length(D)
impath = ['C:\Users\DELL\Database\LE\' cl{ii} '/' D(kk).name];
I = imread(impath);
Is = imresize(I,[dim(1,1) dim(1,2)]);
DBL{ii,kk} = Is;

채택된 답변

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020년 7월 5일
This crude code reads in images and resizes and displays them. It also (for some reason) stores them in a cell array.
  댓글 수: 3
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020년 7월 5일
Yes, it put it into one cell of a cell array. Please see the FAQ for an excellent discussion cell arrays.
anand rathod
anand rathod 2020년 7월 5일
Thank you

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