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ode45 error rungg- kutta

조회 수: 2 (최근 30일)
nguyen truyen
nguyen truyen 2020년 7월 1일
댓글: darova 2020년 7월 3일
help me please, i really want to run this code but i have a trouble: don't have enough argument
% This script accepts the values for the independent variables bs and ga
% and also a flag indicating which model should be used. x(1) is the
% position of the buoy. x(2) is the velocity of the buoy. x(3), x(4) and
% x(5) are the three currents. The outputs are t, x and Pout, which is the
% output power.
% Refer to Section 2 in the final report
function [t,x,Pout] = Simulation(bs,ga,flag)
% run simulation
[t,x] = ode45(@(t,x) LPM_3Phase(t,x,bs,ga,flag), [0 350], [0 0 0 0 0]);
% calculate power
RL = 7.5; %Ohm
v(:,1) = x(:,3)*RL;
v(:,2) = x(:,4)*RL;
v(:,3) = x(:,5)*RL;
Pin = x(:,3).*v(:,1) + x(:,4).*v(:,2) + x(:,5).*v(:,3);
Pout = Pin.*0.85;
function dx = LPM_3Phase(t,x,bs,ga,flag)
dx = zeros(5,1);
p = 6;
q = 1;
m = 3;
N = zeros(1,3);
for i = 1:3
N(i) = 82*p*q;
L = 0.432; %m
taup = L/p; %m
taut = taup./(m*q); %m
% bs = 0.016; %m
bt = taut - bs; %m
% ga = 0.002; %m
Kc = taut*(5*ga+bs)/(taut*(5*ga+bs)-bs^2);
geq = Kc*ga;
hm = 0.006; %m
Br = 1.2; %T
mu0 = 4*pi*10^(-7);
Hc = 905000;
phi = zeros(1,3);
for i = 1:3
phi(i) = (Br*hm*Hc*mu0)/(hm*Hc*mu0 - geq*Br);
if flag == 1 % Simple
um = 2.2; %m/s
uav = 2/pi*um; %m/s
T = 12.6; %s
Ra = 1.5; %Ohm
Ls = 0.115; %H
RL = 7.5; %Ohm
Ms = 4; %number of armatures
Ws = 0.2; %m
KE = Ms*Ws*N(i)*phi(i)*uav;
% u = um*sin(omegam*t);
u = um.*sin(2*pi.*t./T);
du = 2*pi.*um./T*cos(2*pi.*t./T);
e = zeros(1,3);
e(1) = KE*cos(pi.*x(1)./taup)*u;
e(2) = KE*cos(pi.*x(1)./taup - 2*pi/3)*u;
e(3) = KE*cos(pi.*x(1)./taup - 4*pi/3)*u;
v = zeros(1,3);
v(1) = x(3)*RL;
v(2) = x(4)*RL;
v(3) = x(5)*RL;
F = zeros(1,3);
for i = 1:3
F(i) = N(i).*phi(i).*pi./taup.*sin(pi.*x(1)./taup).*x(i + 2);
dx(1) = u; % u
dx(2) = du;
elseif flag == 2 % Complex
um = 2.2; %m/s
uav = 2/pi*um; %m/s
T = 12.6; %s
A = 4; %um*T/(2*pi); %m
Ra = 1.5; %Ohm
Ls = 0.115; %H
RL = 7.5; %Ohm
Ms = 4; %number of armatures
Ws = 0.2; %m
KE = Ms*Ws*N(i)*phi(i)*uav;
% u = um*sin(omegam*t);
u = x(2);
e = zeros(1,3);
e(1) = KE*cos(pi.*x(1)./taup).*u;
e(2) = KE*cos(pi.*x(1)./taup - 2*pi/3).*u;
e(3) = KE*cos(pi.*x(1)./taup - 4*pi/3).*u;
v = zeros(1,3);
v(1) = x(3)*RL;
v(2) = x(4)*RL;
v(3) = x(5)*RL;
F = zeros(1,3);
for i = 1:3
F(i) = N(i).*phi(i).*pi./taup.*sin(pi.*x(1)./taup).*x(i + 2);
rho = 1025; %kg/m^3
g = 9.81; %m/s^2
a = 0.5; %m
b = 1; %m
h = 10; %m
M = 1000; %kg
mr = 289; %kg
Rr = 16; %Ns/m
Rv = 717; %Ns/m
dx(1) = x(2);
dx(2) = -((Rr + Rv).*(x(2) - 2.*pi.*A./T.*cos(2.*pi.*t./T)) +...
rho.*g.*pi.*a.^2.*(x(1) - A.*sin(2.*pi.*t./T)))./(M + mr);
dx(3) = (e(1) - v(1) - x(3)*Ra)/Ls;
dx(4) = (e(2) - v(2) - x(4)*Ra)/Ls;
dx(5) = (e(3) - v(3) - x(5)*Ra)/Ls;

채택된 답변

darova 2020년 7월 2일
You probably run the code in a wrong way. Here are some changes
  댓글 수: 2
nguyen truyen
nguyen truyen 2020년 7월 2일
thank you so much with love from Vietnam, you have just saved my final thesis, you are my hero
darova 2020년 7월 3일
im just doing my job

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추가 답변 (1개)

J. Alex Lee
J. Alex Lee 2020년 7월 1일
your error is probably not with the ODE line, but actually running "Simulation", which you are not supplying any arguments to at the command prompt, but it expects 3 arguments: bs, ga, flag
  댓글 수: 1
nguyen truyen
nguyen truyen 2020년 7월 1일
i need more detail sir, what i need to change?

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