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Can I have a bus whose elements are buses with several dimensions?

조회 수: 3 (최근 30일)
Hi there,
I got a header file which is something like:
struct RPO_corners
float cod[3];
float orient[9];
float rotVel;
float defl;
float factor;
float TTTT;
struct Output
struct Vector3 coord,
struct Matrix3x3 orientation_matrix;
float value;
float value2;
float value3;
float value4;
int value5;
int value6;
struct RPO_corners corners[4];
typedef struct Output Output_T;
typedef struct RPO_corners RPO_corners_T;
The structure Ouput is sent to a c++ app. Therefore I need to create a bus(Ouput) which contains another bus (corners[4]). I have tried to concatenate the 4 corners buses with little success. The fact that "corners" is a vector of a struct is my problem.
When I define Output_T in the bus editor, I'm assuming that I need to specify 4 dimensions for the RP0_corners bus, rite? How can I implement that in Simulink?
Thanks in advance

채택된 답변

TAB 2012년 12월 4일
편집: TAB 2012년 12월 4일
To create the structure in c code you need to create non-virtual bus.
You can create 4 the non-virtual buses (RPO_corners) with the same bus object and concatenate then into an array of bus. This will create a array of structure in resulting code. You can again feed this array to another bus creator (again non-virtual) with other signals to creator to create final structure. In the Bus-Object of final bus set the size of element which is receiving bus array to 4.
See a simple example below
For more information on how create array of buses see Combine Buses into an Array of Buses.

추가 답변 (2개)

Ryan G
Ryan G 2012년 12월 3일
A bus of busses it possible, you can try it manually using Simulink to verify yourself. It sounds like you have a bus, Output, that contains a number of values, a Vector 3 bus, a Matrix3x3 bus and a RPO_corners bus. At least that's how I would define it for Simulink purposes here.
I believe you want to nest bus definitions. Have you tried that? If so, what are the issues?
  댓글 수: 1
Jose Martinez
Jose Martinez 2012년 12월 4일
thanks Ryan for the quick reply. I think the problem is that I need to use an array of C structs and I don't know how to construct the buses in Simulink. I don't have problems with vectors ( Vector3 or Matrix3x3 which in my case is a vector of 9 values). If the bus corners was a corners[1] rather than corners[4]. There won't be any problem.

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Jose Martinez
Jose Martinez 2012년 12월 4일
Btw the error I get is something like:
Bus element 'corners' of bus object 'Output_T' is a bus, but the incoming signal is not a bus.
'Corners' is defined as bus in the bus editor with dimension 4. I was wondering if that is right.


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